Welcome to our help and guidance page for businesses in DNB
Here you’ll find simple and user-friendly information about payments, accounts, online banking and more.
Have a look around, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.
Frequently asked questions
Add a new user
Only administrators can create users.
How to create a new user (2:06 min)
How to do it:
Select Administration in the main menu. Under the Buy and order tab, select ‘Manage users’
You now have four options. Select ‘Add a new user’
Enter the national identity number, the name of the user and your contact information
Once the user has been created, you need to assign rights to the user.
Change to administrator
You can assign a user the role of administrator and/or orderer. The person must be registered as a normal user before you can follow the steps below.
How to change users (1:28 mins, Norwegian)
Go to Administration in the main menu. Under the Buy and order tab, select Manage users
Select ‘I want a user to be given administrator/orderer access (requires signature)’
When you have filled out the form you will receive a receipt for what you have ordered and the agreement will be sent out for eSigning, normally within one working day
The changes will be ready one working day after the signing with BankID is complete
Tip: If you do not know the user ID of the user you want to delete, you will find a list of users by going to Administration - Privileges – Manage users.
Ordinary user
How to delete a user (1:28 min, in Norwegian only)
Select ‘Administration’ in the main menu. Under the Buy and order tab, choose “New, change, delete user”
select ‘I’m an administrator and want to delete a user’
Confirm deletion by completing the form
Tip: If you do not know the user ID of the user you want to delete, you’ll find a list of users by going to ‘Administration’ - ‘Privileges’ - ‘Manage users’.
How to delete an administrator (2:14 min)
Select Administration in the main menu. Under the Buy and order tab, select ‘Manage users’
Select ‘I want to delete or change an administrator (requires signature)’
In step 1: Fill in contact info
In step 2: Select “delete user”
In step 3: Select to sign in with BankID
Step 4: This is a summary of how you tick off that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions (after you have read them).
Done! What happens now?
When the agreement is ready to sign with BankID, you’ll get an email and a text message from us. Normally within one working day.
The agreement must be signed in accordance with the certificate of registration.
Tip: If you do not know the user ID of the user you want to delete, you will find a list of users by going to Administration - Privileges – Manage users.
Delete user
Only one administrator in the online bank can delete a user. You’ll see who your administrator is on the right of the corporate online bank’s home page.
Choose what you want to delete:
User roles explained
In the corporate online bank we have different user roles which will determine what the person gets access to do in the online bank. Note that a person can have several roles in combination.
- Administrator: Decides all access and can administer users.
- Orderer: Can order products
- Ordinary user: Cannot order products or administer users
Tip! You’ll see who is an administrator on the right of the corporate online bank’s home page.
In the corporate online bank we have different user roles which will determine what the person gets access to do.
Choose what you want to do:
Change for one user
Select Administration in the main menu. Under the Rights tab, select Accounts