Help with accounts
Many people have questions about
Open an account
How to open an account (1:05 mins, Norwegian)
A user with an orderer role can easily open an account themselves in the online bank:
- Go to the menu option Administration – Open account. Select the account type you wish to open
- Under ‘Connection and name’, select the organisation number the account should be connected to
- Under ‘Optional account name’, you can give the account a customised name that will be visible in the online bank
- Check that the address that automatically appears is correct, and change this if you’d prefer another address
- Click ‘Next’, tick to accept the terms and conditions. Select "Open account"
The account is now open. It is ready for use the next working day.
Tip! Remember that you need to assign yourself and other users rights to the new account before it’s visible and can be used.
End customer relationship
We understand that the needs of your business can change over time. If you’re considering ending the customer relationship, we want to ensure a smooth process for you. Read more here.
Close account
Remember to retrieve vouchers and other documentation before you close an account. Most vouchers are deleted when the account is closed, and you will need these for your accounts.
However, statements and annual summaries are available in the internet bank for one year after closure.
How to close an account (1:15 mins, Norwegian)
A user with an orderer role can close an account themselves in the online bank:
Go to the menu option ‘Account’ – ‘Close account’
Select the company, account, date of closure
Select the account number that the balance and interest should be transferred to and click on ‘Next’
The account is now closed
Note! You cannot close the last account, you need to terminate the customer relationship with the company. You can read more about this here
Would you like to close your customer account?
If you wish to close the last account, this means that the entire company’s customer relationship must be closed.
We understand that the needs of your business can change over time. If you are closing the last account/customer relationship, we want to ensure a smooth process for you.
Select the one you need:
How to find vouchers (2:43 mins, Norwegian)
How to do it:
In the main menu, select Accounts - New account information and click on New Account information/Recent transactions
Select the relevant account and date and click ‘Display overview’
Find the relevant payment, click on the magnifying glass under ‘Voucher’
Tips! In the archive you’ll also find a number of vouchers. You’ll find the archive under Payments in the main menu.
Under the tab Incoming payments select Archive. Select message type, account number, period and click ‘Search’.
I can’t find the year-end statement
There may be several reasons why you cannot find year-end statements:
- Year-end statements are only produced if earned interest exceeds NOK 1. If earned interest is under NOK 1, you can use the last statement for the year. This also shows the balance and earned interest in the same way as the year-end statement.
- For customers with account systems, only year-end statements for MCA and GCA accounts are produced. This means that no year-end statements are produced for operating accounts related to the account system.
- If you cannot find the year-end statement you can get in contact with your administrator. You can see who your administrator is on the right hand side of the online bank’s home page.
Year-end account statement
How to find the annual task (1:28 min)
How to find year-end account statements:
Click the information button (i) in the top right-hand corner of the online bank and select Archive
Select message type Account statement/Year-end statement
Select the account number and period and then click ‘Search’
In the archive you’ll find annual statements going back 10 years.
Loans in DNB Finance
An administrator can download year-end statements under Year-end statements. These year-end statements become available in the archive during week 4.
Foreign currency loan/Margin-based loan
An administrator can download year-end statements under Year-end statements. These year-end statements become available in the archive during week 2.
Annual loan statement
Only administrators in the corporate online bank can retrieve year-end statements for loans. You can see who the administrators are on the right hand side of the online bank start page.
How to find the annual task (1:26 min)
The administrator will find the annual loan statements in the archive:
Click the information button (i) in the top right-hand corner of the online bank and select Archive
Select message type Year-end statement (not Statement/Year-end statement)
Select the organisation number, period and click Search
In the archive you’ll find annual statements going back 10 years.
Credit cards - DNB Corporate Mastercard
Year-end statements are only produced for cardholders with personal liability and who have activated the partial payment option. The year-end statement is sent to the cardholder by regular post.
If you have any questions, get in contact with DNB Corporate Mastercard on tel: 21015001 or email:
Defined-contribution pension/occupational pension - DNB Liv
Information is retrieved from the customer portal to DNB Liv via Other services - Pension and personnel insurance - Administer agreements. These year-end statements become available during week 4.
How to do it:
Select Reports on the left side in the menu, select Type of report and click on Invoice history/Statement.
Select desired format and date range
Click Create report
NB! The portal is only available for customers who have a pension or personnel insurance with us. If you have any questions or need help with access, you can contact DNB Liv at 915 04800 (08:00-18:00)
The year-end statement for factoring is sent by regular post and is not available in the online bank.
Equity trading service/Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS)
All users can download the year-end statement under Other services - Investor services - Mailbox. These year-end statements become available in the archive during week 8.
Can’t get access?
Mutual funds
All users can download the year-end statement via Archive - Year-end statement. These year-end statements become available in the archive during week 3.
If the statements are not shown here, they will be sent by regular post as soon as they are produced.
These year-end statements become available in the archive in the online bank during week 4.
If the statements are not shown here, they will be sent by regular post as soon as they are produced.
NB! The year-end statement is only available to administrators. You’ll see who is an administrator on the right hand side in the online bank.
Accounts in other countries
Countries outside of Norway that produce year-end statements send these out by regular post.
If you need help with foreign accounts you’ll find contact information here:
travel insurance
The year-end statement for travel insurance is sent by regular post and is not available in the online bank.
Other year-end statements
Year-end statement
Useful information:
- Annual statements are NOT produced in sub-accounts in a corporate account system. The bank only calculates interest on the top account, and this is the only one a year-end statement is produced for
- Year-end statements are only produced for Norwegian accounts
Note: Year-end statements are only produced if earned interest exceeds NOK 1. If earned interest is under NOK 1, you can use the last statement for the year.
Select which annual statement you’re looking for:
Bank statements
In the corporate online bank you can retrieve account statements from DNB accounts in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, England and Germany:
Individual account statements:
You’ll find statements in the corporate online bank under the main menu ‘Account’ – ‘Account statements’.
Here you’ll find statements going back 18 months.
More account statements:
Go to the menu option Account - Statements. Here you can select the desired range and tick all the statements. These will open in a separate tab with all of the statements together.
Older account statements:
You can retrieve account statements going back up to 10 years in the archive.
Go to ‘Account’ – ‘Archive’, select ‘Account statements’/‘Year-end statements’ in the drop-down menu.