Important! Company number/orgID will be included in bank reconciliation files. Read more
Help with ERP and integrations
Find what you need to know about integrating with an accounting system here.
Direct integration
Direct integration is when the ERP system and the online bank send and receive files between each other, without you having to upload and download files manually.
With direct integration, you can have accounting-approved payments or re-authentication in the online bank.
accounting-approved payments
Many people have questions about
DNB offers accounting-approved payments which makes it easy for you to approve the payments directly in the accounting system in a safe way and comply with the regulatory requirements.
Using pre-approved payments, you don’t need to approve the payment files in the corporate online bank and most accounting systems facilitate this.
Watch a short video about this concept here:
DNB explains accounting-approved payments (1:37 mins, Norwegian)
Note: In order to approve the payment files in the accounting system, your ERP/finance system must support pre-approved payments.
There are two different ways to give access to your accountant:
- The accountant will be added as a new user in your corporate online bank. The administrator in your corporate online bank must enter the new user under ‘Administration’ - ‘Manage users’.
Note: The administrator needs the national identity number of the new user (the accountant). - The accountant applies for account authorisation so that accounts are available in their online bank. Both the authorisation holder and the authorisation grantor can apply for this through an authorisation scheme.
Note: To use this method, the accountant must already be a customer/have corporate online banking in DNB.
- The accountant will be added as a new user in your corporate online bank. The administrator in your corporate online bank must enter the new user under ‘Administration’ - ‘Manage users’.
In order for the accounting-approved payments to work, the person who approves the file from the ERP system must also be a user in the corporate online bank. The user must have rights on the account to register and approve payments.
An administrator can check this in the corporate online bank in the menu option Administration - Privileges – Manage users.
Before you can start using accounting-approved payments, certain criteria must be in place.
The accounts must be registered as part of a DNB corporate customer account.
The person in charge of approvals must have a user in the corporate online bank and have rights in that account.
Everyone who wishes to have approval rights must have a BankID.
Tip! Not all ERP systems support accounting-approved payments when there are two approvers on the account. If your system does not support this, see “re-authentication in the online bank”
You’ll need the following to use accounting-approved payments
You can order accounting-approved payments (RGB) when you have banking integration in place. The solution is ready to use after a short time.
1. Order banking integration
Banking integration and banking services can be ordered with a few clicks when you do it digitally and initiate the order from your accounting system.
Find out more and see which accounting systems offer digital ordering of banking integration.
If your ERP system isn’t listed, you need an integrated online banking solution in order to send files from your accounting system through the corporate online bank.
How to get started with an integrated online banking solution
2. Order accounting-approved payments
These suppliers have started using accounting-approved payments. Click on the links to get started:
For accountants
If you have the clients’ accounts in your online bank, you need to order this for each client (you select the client while placing the order).
The solution will be ready to use within a short period of time.
In order to use accounting-approved payments, you must have corporate online banking in DNB.
You can order online banking free of charge.
Persons who will approve payment files must be registered as users in the corporate online bank.
How to add a new user:
An administrator in the online bank can add new users under Administration - New, change, delete user.
In the online bank you can either become an administrator (all privileges), an orderer (can order products digitally) or an ordinary user (a user gets the access an administrator assigns).
People who will become users of the online bank must be registered with a valid proof of identity with us. You’ll be asked to order digital proof of identity if the person you wish to create as an online bank user isn’t registered with a valid proof of identity with us.
How to assign user rights:
Users who will be approving payments must be given privileges to the accounts the payments will be made from. This can be done by an administrator in the online bank.
The rights can be removed by the administrator when the user no longer needs them.
Users of the accounting-approved payments must have a Norwegian national identity number. Foreign users (D-numbers) must use “Approve files” in the online bank.
Access to your company’s account
If you want an accountant to have access to your account from their own online bank, an application must be made for this authorisation.
You can apply for this in the corporate online bank under Administration – Give/receive account authorisation.
Here either you or the accountant can place the order.
If the accountancy office is going to order banking integration on behalf of your business
The accountant needs authorisation to order digital services on behalf of another company to be able to order integration between the accounting system and the bank.
This must be ticked off on the authorisation order form. Sign with BankID for faster processing.
If the accountancy office isn’t a DNB customer, the accountant must be added as a user in your online bank to get access to the account.
Tips for accountants
We’ve brought together guidelines, current news and advice in one place. You will also find your point of contact with us at DNB here.
In order to order banking integration on behalf of another company, you must have orderer authorisation.
- You can see an overview of your accountancy office’s authorisations in the corporate online bank under ‘Administration’ – ‘Authorisation overview’. If you do not have the authority to order products for another company, you can change this under Administration - Give/Get account authorisation.
- Fill out the form so that you have “Authorisation to open a Norwegian account and order products/services on behalf of the company”.
- When this is in place you can order banking integration on behalf of other companies.
Note: Initiate banking integration from the ERP system’s website. Read more about banking integration
Many people have questions about
With post-approval in the online bank, the files are sent directly from the accounting system to the online bank and must be approved in the online bank.
The integration agreement is set up for an organisation number with an associated online banking agreement. The files will only be available for approval in that online bank. This means that if the agreement has been set up in the account holder’s organisation number, a proxy will not be able to approve this in their online bank.
In order to approve payment files, you need to have rights in the debit account and the division that the files are sent on.
This is how the administrator can assign privileges to a division:
Go to Administration - Rights Divisions/File sending.
Select the division in question and click “Search”
All of the users in the online bank will appear and then the administrator can choose between view, submit, download and approve. For re-authentication, only “See” and “Approve” are required.
Assign rights and press “Save”.
Once you have sent the file from the accounting system, it should soon be visible in the online bank. If it cannot be approved, you can see below File Transfer - Status Submitted Files to get the status of the file. Here you will see if the file has been rejected or received correctly.
If you cannot find the file there, you may be in the wrong online bank or may not have rights to the division the files are being sent to.
If you have any further errors, please contact us by phone on +47 915 04800 or start a chat once logged in to the online bank.
There may be several reasons for choosing re-authentication in the online bank and these are a few examples:
- The accountant will make the payments in the accounting system, but you need to approve them.
- When one or more of the approvers does not have a BankID.
- You have two approvers in the account and the accounting system only supports one approver on accounting-approved payments.
These systems do not support two approvers: 24SevenOffice, the accounting app DNB Regnskap, Fiken, PowerOffice, Tripletex and Zirius.
This is what you need to start using re-authentication
1. Order banking integration
Banking integration and banking services can be ordered with a few clicks when you do it digitally and initiate the order from your accounting system.
Find out more and see which accounting systems offer digital ordering of banking integration.
If your ERP system isn’t listed, you need an integrated online banking solution in order to send files from your accounting system through the corporate online bank.
How to get started with an integrated online banking solution
2. Order re-authentication
When you are in the order form, choose “I want to approve in the online bank” when you are on “Adapt payment agreements”.
For accountants
If you are placing the order, the payment files will be sent to your online bank for re-authentication. If you want them to be sent to the client’s online bank, you can copy the URL link to the form so the client can log in to complete the order.
3. Complete your order
Once the order is complete, the solution will be ready shortly afterwards.
To order and use a direct integration with re-authentication, you must have corporate online banking at DNB. You can order online banking free of charge. Find out more and order online banking
Persons who will be approving payment files must be registered as users in the corporate online bank the files are sent to.
How to add a new user:
An administrator in the online bank can add new users under Administration - New, change, delete user.
In the online bank you can either become an administrator (all privileges), an orderer (can order products digitally) or an ordinary user (a user gets the access an administrator assigns).
People who will become users of the online bank must be registered with a valid proof of identity with us. You’ll be asked to order digital proof of identity if the person you wish to create as an online bank user isn’t registered with a valid proof of identity with us.
How to assign user rights:
Users who will be approving payments must be given privileges to the accounts the division the payments will be made from. This can be done by an administrator in the online bank.
The rights can be removed by the administrator when the user no longer needs them.
Should the accountant approve payments in your online bank? To do this, your accountant must have their own user in your online bank. See above for how to add a user to the online bank.
Is the accountancy office going to order banking integration on behalf of your business? The accountant needs authorisation to order digital services on behalf of another company to be able to order integration between the accounting system and the bank. This must be ticked off on the authorisation order form. Sign with BankID for faster processing.
You can send confirmation of authorisation in the corporate online bank under ‘Administration’ – ‘Give/receive account authorisation’. Either you or your accountant can order this.
Go to the form to give or ask for account authorisation and ordering of digital services
If the accountant is ordering re-authentication in the online bank, the payment files will be sent to the accountant’s online bank for re-authentication.
Many people have questions about
You must have a payment agreement in order to be able to invoice with KID.
You can order the payment agreement in the Norwegian online bank under Filoverføring - Fakturere med KID or digitally from the ERP system if they are able to.
Different ERP systems can support different payment agreements and may have different ways of ordering. If you are unsure of this, please feel free to contact us by chat or by phone.
To know how many digits you can have in the KID number and how you get the KID on the invoice, you need to contact your ERP system.
With a payment agreement, you will find that you do not see the name of the sender on the bank statement, only total entries. Information about who has deposited is located in the file that you either retrieve in the online bank or directly in your ERP system. If you cannot find the sender’s information, you can try this:
If you have retrieved files in the online bank, imported these into an ERP system and have lost the file, you can order the file again under File transfer - Order files. Remember to choose the correct file format.
If the file is sent directly to your ERP system and you cannot find any information there, please contact us for help with sending the file again. If your ERP system has a list of payments that have not been registered, you can also check this.
If you have information such as which KID was used or which account number it was paid from, you can use Archive Nets to find the details. See Archive Nets below for more information.
We cannot tell who has paid by phone, chat or email. If you cannot find the information in the online bank, you can contact us to order this for NOK 100.
Archive Nets allows you to search for attachments on payments that, for example, have been paid with the wrong KID.
You’ll find Archive Nets in the Norwegian online bank under Betaling - Innbetaling - Arkiv Nets.
Start a chat with us when you’re logged in to the corporate online bank and we’ll set up Archive Nets for your if you don’t already have access.
It is not possible to search on the amount of the total entry in Archive Nets because you must search on a single transaction with, for example, a KID number or the sender's account number. If you don’t have this information, you can order a transaction list for NOK 100 per month by contacting us.
With mandatory KID it will not be possible to pay to your account without using a KID number.
Contact us via chat or email from a logged-in online bank and ask for a mandatory KID.
The change will normally be active after 2-3 working days.
If you have a mandatory KID in an account and need to receive a payment without a KID, you can contact us by chat or telephone for a solution.
Total payment
This is a payment agreement in XML format that includes payments with and without a KID (Customer ID) and internal bank transactions. These files can only be delivered to an ERP system and not in the online bank. With a Payment total it is possible to get OCR files in addition to another system if you need to.
Internal bank transactions are payments between two DNB accounts without a KID (Customer ID).
If you need a payment agreement in XML format where you can retrieve the files in the online bank, see “eGiro” one step back.
This is a payment agreement in XML format that includes payments with and without a KID (Customer ID) but not internal bank transactions. Attachments for internal banking transactions must be obtained from the online bank.
This is a payment agreement in Telepay format which only includes payments with KID.
Payment agreements
There are three different payment agreements you can have in your account at DNB. Which agreement suits you best, depends on your needs and what your ERP system supports.
OCR and eGiro
In order to receive payment files to two different recipients, each recipient must have their own Nets customer device ID. For example, one recipient can be the corporate online bank with DNB’s customer entity ID, where you can retrieve the file and import it manually into your system. For example, the other recipient can be an invoicing system with the invoicing system's own customer entity ID.
Please contact your ERP system to get your customer unit’s ID.
DNB’s customer unit’s ID for OCR is: 118125
The DNB’s customer unit’s ID for eGiro is: 041616
Total payment
It is possible to get the pay-in files to different systems as long as the system has a direct integration with DNB. It is possible to get OCR files (only KID) to the online bank or to another system with Net’s customer device ID.
If you would like to order OCR as well, your administrator in the online bank can contact us via chat to order this. Remember to have the Customer Entity ID ready if the OCR file is to be sent directly to an ERP system.
If you use different systems, for example an accounting system and a billing system, it is possible to get the payment files to both systems.
Information for developers
As of 31 March 2024, all payment files must be sent in ISO20022 XML format.
This is what you need to do:
If you are still sending payment files in a different format than XML, it is important that you contact your system supplier as soon as possible to clarify when you can switch to XML.
If your system provider does not support XML, we recommend that you contact operators who can help with the conversion from older formats to XML. Aritma and Visual Banking are examples of such providers.
When you have received the necessary clarification from the system supplier or the conversion operator, contact our customer service on 915 04800. Enter "file transfer" or "Telepay" to get in touch with the right advisers.
When the transition to the XML format is complete, you’ll no longer need to register payments manually in the online bank.
You can also contact your TM adviser to clarify the timeline for necessary changes.
You’ll find all the technical documentation for the accounting-approved payments solution here: Accounting-approved payments - Technical documentation (PDF, in Norwegian)
Would you like some support?
We have set up a technical implementation support team. Send an email to
DFG (DNB File Gateway) - an SFTP solution via DNB. The solution is for companies who want to automate their file transfers. DFG allows you to send and receive files without logging in to the online bank.
All the information you need can be found in the document SFTP - How to get started (PDF) covering questions and its implementation.
We offer the following communication solutions:
- Swiftnet Fileact
- EPeppol
For more information and set-up forms, enquiries can be sent by email:
ISO20022 XML is a global standard for payment processing. It is used both between customers and banks, and between banks nationally and internationally. This new standard will take over the old, country-specific standards. For you as a customer, and for the suppliers of your ERP and treasury systems, this means a standard that is almost similar from bank to bank.
Message Implementation Guides (MIG)
Banking integration with DNB and the use of our message guides ensures a good and flexible solution.
Test format and payment types
We offer our customers a validation tool called XMLdation. With this tool, developers can test the format and payment types you work with on an ongoing basis.
- Get in touch with us on to be assigned a user and password. We will reply to you within the next working day.
Important! Company number/orgID becomes part of bank reconciliation files
From 15 November 2024 we will include the company number/orgID for the legal account holder in our Camt.053 files (for bank reconciliation).
This is a measure to improve our digital account information services. The change is in line with what is permitted within the ISO20022 standard for camt.053 files, and the value will be included as part of Statement Block under the heading ‘’<Ownr>’’.
You can find more information in our message implementation guides (MIG)
At DNB, we are always working to improve the services we deliver and meet the needs of our customers. By adding company numbers/orgID to our camt.053 files, we open up for greater flexibility for our customers. For more information on ISO20022 and the implementation of the camt.053 format, check out our ISO20022 implementation guidelines
Even though a new value will always be reported, it is a choice whether you want to use the value or just ignore it. To be completely sure that the bank reconciliation is as easy as before, we recommend that you contact your system supplier to check that this change will not create any problems in your system.
NB! If you use one or more of the following systems, you can disregard this information: 24Seven Office, Continia, DNB Accounting, Fiken, Xledger, Visma systems (eAccounting, Business, Enterprice, NXT, Tripletex). They have confirmed that this change will not affect your bank reconciliation.
Message Implementation Guides (MIG)
Our message guides cover outgoing payments, incoming payments and account information.
Message guidesError messages
If a file is rejected with «Initiating party ID must be numeric», the file is rejected either as a result of an incorrect customer number or the wrong division name in the file. This must be changed in the accounting system before the file is re-sent.
Tip! If you have a division with an Æ, Ø or Å in the division name, this may be causing the division name error. XML is an international file format and Æ, Ø and Å count as special characters.
There may be three reasons for this error message.
- The debit account is a tax withholding account and the recipient is not a valid account number with the Norwegian Tax Administration
- You are trying to charge an account that cannot be charged, for example a fixed-rate deposit account.
- There is no authorisation to charge the account you are trying to charge.
See also
File transfer
Error messages, sending and receiving payment files in the corporate online bank
Corporate online bank
Useful tips and tricks to get the most out of the corporate online bank
Find answers to your questions about incoming payments, files and payment solutions
What you need to know about access, vouchers/archives, opening and closing accounts
International payments
Here is everything you need in order to send and receive international payments