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How can I use Investor Account Services?

Our five demo videos show you where to find investor services and how to use them.

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Everyone who has a VPS account has access to Investor Account Services

As a retail customer, you get a VPS account when you register as an equity trading customer. As soon as you have created one of these accounts, you will be able to go in to ‘Investor Account Services’ in the online bank. Here you will see an overview of which securities you have bought and sold, and you will find your own contract notes, annual reports and amendment notifications.

All the videos have English subtitles.

Demo films showing how you use investor services

Where are investor services?

Film 1: Where can you find investor services and log in? Our colleague Kajin Faisal Ali explains and guides you step by step (1 minute).

How do I change my profile?

Film 2: Shows where you can change your investor information and where you order company news. (1 minute).

Where is the annual report?

Film 3: The annual statement and investor reports are available within the investor services. Kajin shows you where they are (45 sec.).

Transfer of securities

Movie 4: Julie Gusdal explains and shows how to transfer securities between your different accounts. (1 minute)

Result of a share issue?

Film 5: When you sign up for a share issue, you may not always get the number of shares you wanted. Julie shows where to find out what you got (40 sec)

VPS accounts and Investor account services FAQ