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The prices are stated in Norwegian kroner and apply from 1.1.2021.

Prices for securities account

Overview of prices for holding an account and other services related to Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS)

Woman in front of a computer screen

We help you keep track of your portfolio.

With a VPS account, you can trade both publicly listed and unlisted shares, as well as shares on approved exchanges outside the EU. All securities you trade with your VPS account are registered with Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS).

We help you keep track

When you become an equity trading customer in DNB, you automatically get a VPS account. We then formally become your account manager and are the main contact for your account. As your account manager, we offer a number of services that help you keep track of your investments.

In addition to any account management costs, you will need to pay brokerage fees when buying and selling shares. See the brokerage price lists here.

You will find a list of account management services and prices further down on this page.

Account holdings Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS)

What does it cost to open a VPS account what does it cost to amend and report?

Account Information

Prices for getting copies of previous annual statements and amendment notifications. These can also be downloaded free of charge from the website when logged in.

Account Movement

Price for transfers between different Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS) and share savings accounts, redemption and set up.

Annual fee VPS account

If you have total holdings of over NOK 250 000 in your VPS account as of 31.12, an annual fee will apply.

Costs of certificate holdings

Ongoing monthly costs per commenced million in certificate holdings.

International Services

Fees for trading internationally

Account holdings Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS)

Account Maintenance

Product page

Establishment of a VPS account(s) for Norwegian citizens


Change of fixed account information


Establish VPS account foreign retail customer

Price on request

Open VPS account for foreign company

Price on request

Fee for account maintenance for retail customers with a foreign address*, annual

1 250

Price for consultant assignment per hour, from

2 000

Account maintenance fee for foreign companies holding Norwegian shares in a VPS account at DNB, annually:

25 000

* applies to customers without a Norwegian residential address

All prices are stated in Norwegian kroner (NOK)

Prices as of 1 November 2023

Account Information

Information about your VPS account

Copy of annual statement previous years, from

NOK 350.00*

Copy of change notification, from

NOK 350.00*

Access to investor services via internet


*VAT charge of 25% applicable

Annual statement/change notification/transactions can be downloaded free of charge via DNB’s online banking (choose ‘Investor Services’ in the menu when logged in). You can also download free copies via Euronext Securities Oslo

Prices as of 1 November 2023

Account Movement

Prices for account changes and transfers (NOK)

Transfer from regular VPS account to share savings VPS account per ISIN


Transfer from share savings VPS account to regular VPS account per ISIN


Transfer from share savings VPS account to share savings VPS account per ISIN


Transfer of securities in Investor Services between your own VPS accounts


Release of sale through other broker per ISIN


Authority to release line of security, each


Redemption of bonds (put), each


Establishment of/alteration of pledge/rights on VPS account(s) (minimum)


Transfer of securities out of Norway per ISIN


All prices in NOK.

Invoices for services are issued every other month.

* For transfers from and to share savings VPS accounts, contact fond@dnb.no.

** Transfers via Investor Services can only be executed by private individuals and are free when the customer makes the transfer themselves. It’s only possible transfer to and from your own regular VPS accounts and from regular VPS accounts to your own share savings VPS accounts.

Prices as of 1 November 2023

Annual fee VPS account

Annual fee Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS)

Product page

Holdings valued up to NOK 250 000


Holdings valued from NOK 250 001 up to 1 million


Additional fee for holdings

– from/to NOK 1 000 001 up to 3 million, per million


– from NOK 3 000 001 up to 400 million, per million NOK


All prices in NOK.

An annual fee is charged for securities holdings exceeding a market value of NOK 250.000.00 per December 31 each year.

The fee will be invoiced in the first half of the following year.

Prices as of 1 November 2023

Costs of certificate holdings

Commercial paper holdings costs (in NOK)

For each NOK million per month based on holdings exceeding NOK 100,000 (Minimum NOK 100 per invoice).


Prices in NOK

Invoiced every other month – calculation based on holdings at the end of each month. We invoice a minimum of NOK 100 per invoice.

We reserve the right to make price changes, as well as any VAT charges.

Price as of 1 November 2023

International Services

Charges for international trading online

International Shares

Storage of international shares, annual in arrears for online trading

Portfolios up to NOK 250 0001


Portfolios up to the equivalent of between NOK 250 000 to NOK 1 200 0001

NOK 600

Portfolios over NOK 1 200 000 p.a.1

0.05 %

Other charges for international trading:

Opening a Foreign Securities Account


Moving securities to depository for online trading


Moving securities from depository for online trading to other bank/broker or when settling transactions where DNB Markets do not act as the broker (Nordics) per security

NOK 150

Moving securities from depository for online trading to other bank/broker or when settling transactions where DNB Markets do not act as broker (other markets) per security

NOK 500

Conversion of Norwegian CSD-registered shares

NOK 1500

Manual dispatch of ad hoc report/attachment (copy)

NOK 450

Transfer of online shares from the company registrar

NOK 1500

Transfer of online shares to the company registrar

NOK 2 000

Tax refund (per application)2

NOK 5 000

Proxy-voting at AGMs2

NOK 2 000


1: Calculated as the average value throughout the year and charged irrespective of when in the year the Foreign Securities Account is opened.

2: As of: February 1, 2024. Additional costs may apply.