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Get started with savings

Create a savings scheme, and the savings will be automatically saved.

Plants growing

Start a savings scheme today

You only need NOK 100 to get started

With a savings scheme, even small amounts can become substantial over time. How about a fixed deduction on your payday? This ensures that your savings go by itself.

What is your goal with your saving?

Growing plants

Remember that to reach your dreams, it’s important to stick to the savings plan – for good and evil days.

If you set specific goals, you increase the likelihood of reaching your savings goals.

There are many savings dreams:

Find the savings scheme that is right for you

How long you need to spend the money will determine how you should save. Time horizon is therefore an important factor when it comes to savings.

You should have money you’ll use in a couple of years or as a buffer, you should have easily accessible Sparekonto. If your savings target is further in the future, you should consider mutual funds. If you are under 34 years old and are saving for a home, you should save on a BSU account, you can read more about BSU here.

When you’ve set your savings goal and time horizon, you’re just a couple of keystrokes away from working.

How much do women and men save on average in savings scheme in mutual funds per month in DNB?




20-29 years



30-39 years



40-49 years



50-59 years



The figures show the average of the sum of savings scheme transfers in mutual funds per customer, grouped by gender for August 2024. On average, women have 2.1 savings contracts, men have 2.3 savings contracts.

Savings scheme in a mutual fund

Savings schemes in funds

Even small amounts can grow large over time.

The best way to save in a mutual funds is about to have a savings scheme. In most mutual funds, the minimum amount for a savings scheme is NOK 100.

With a savings scheme, you don’t have to think about timing the market. Monthly purchases help reduce the risk of your savings. You buy both when the price is high and when it is low. As a result, you usually get a good average price.

Create and change savings scheme in Spare

Do you wonder which fund to choose?

The stock market six out of six

Die throw six

See which DNB funds have got six of Your Moneys.

  • See funds with a net cast of six
Couple running together

Balanced fund

Simple savings solution, where you choose the risk.

Savings scheme in an account