Share prices
In DNB, you can follow developments in share prices and different indices from around the world.
Share prices
You can follow the share prices in real-time while logged in as a DNB customer. Click the button below to see delayed share prices from the Oslo Stock Exchange. To get the list of shares, click “Market” and “shares” on the page. The prices are delayed by a minimum of 15 minutes, so they may have changed in the meantime. If you’re considering making a trade, you should base your bids on real-time prices.
NB! Non-professionals get free real-time prices when logged in to the equity trading service.
Oslo Stock Exchange’s 25 most traded shares in one package!
Buy the most traded shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange in one package! Simple and reasonable.
An affordable and liquid way to invest in the Oslo Stock Exchange
When you buy fund shares in the exchange-traded fund DNB OBX, you get a piece of the whole OBX index for a reasonable price. You only pay 0.2% in management fee plus normal brokerage fee for purchases and sales. It is easy to buy and sell shares in the equity trading service, and you can follow developments in the Spare app.
Trading shares based on good recommendations and prices in real time is interesting and fun.
NOTE! The share prices stated are for information purposes only. Changes to share prices do not provide independent basis for buying and selling shares. If you are considering buying one or more shares, you should obtain more detailed information on the relevant companies.