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The quality of our analysts is one of the main reasons Investors have voted DNB Markets to the best brokerage firm on Domestic Equity nine years running.
Award-winning analysts
Our macro-analysts has repeatedly been top tier in Prospera Nordics Institutional Investor Surveys. Amongst our team of analysts you find:
Kjersti Haugland, Chief Economist
Knut Magnussen, Senior Economist
Kyrre Aamdal, Senior Economist
Ingvild Borgen Gjerde, FX/FI Analyst
Helge André Martinsen, Senior Analyst
Click the name of the analyst and see more information on the analyst as well as a list of their published reports.
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We have gathered all research in our online research portal. Find research on specific companies, latest macro research and other reports from our analyst team at DNB Alpha.
Some of the content is only available to subscribers or our active clients. There is however research and reports available for interested readers.
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