Do you want to block your BankID? Read more
Help using online and mobile banking
Having trouble logging in or unsure about something?
Many people have questions about
The App is not responding
In that case you’ve probably turned off notifications on your mobile.
Open the BankID app and turn on notifications by tapping the message located on the home screen.
You’ll then get a shortcut into the app every time you need to approve a request.
Don’t get app as an option
Remember to select BankID (not BankID on mobile) when using the app.
If you are logging in with BankID app for the first time, you must select the app as a method.
Click on “Choose another BankID” under the one-time passcode field.
Select the desired code app in the list.
This choice will be remembered for next time.
Tap through and follow the instructions on your mobile phone.
I have a new phone
You can easily move the BankID app to your new phone.
Download BankID app on a new phone.
Activate BankID app on a new phone with the BankID app on your old phone.
The BankID app is now ready on your new phone.
If you don’t have access to your old phone, you need to activate the app with BankID or BankID on your mobile phone.
BankID app
I have problems with:
Forgotten my personal password
If you have any other login options than BankID you can log in to the online bank and get a single-use password sent by text message.
Before logging in, you can check out this guide:
How to create a new personal password for BankID (PDF, Norwegian)
Log in to the online bank using the link below.
Click on "New password" and follow the steps.
If you don’t have any other login options, you can call us on +47 915 04800 and we’ll be happy to help.
BankID is blocked
If you have your four-digit personal code, you can log in to the online bank by using the “Without BankID” method.
Click on “New password” and follow the steps.
If you cannot log in, you can contact us on +47 915 04800 and we’ll help you.
Problems with your password
The code device is blocked
If you log in to the online bank, we can help you via chat. You can also get in touch with us on +47 915 04800.
The code device is lost or the battery has died
You can order a new code device by logging in to the online bank and starting a chat with us, or by using our order form.
If you cannot log in, you can contact us on +47 915 04800 and we’ll help you.
The old code device stops working shortly after you have ordered a new one. Old code devices can be recycled with small electrical appliances
Problems with the code device
I have problems with:
Personal code
If you have forgotten your personal code, and can log in to the online bank in another way, you can create a new personal code yourself.
Log in to the online bank using the link below.
Create a new personal code and confirm the change.
Your new personal code is ready for use after the next login.
If you cannot log in, you can call us on +47 915 04800 and we’ll help you.
The code device is blocked
If you log in to the online bank, we can help you via chat. You can also get in touch with us on +47 915 04800.
The code device is lost or the battery has died
You can order a new code device by logging in to the online bank and starting a chat with us, or by using our order form.
If you cannot log in, you can contact us on +47 915 04800 and we’ll help you.
The old code device stops working shortly after you have ordered a new one. Old code devices can be recycled with small electrical appliances
Problems with the code device
Without BankID
I have problems with:
Logged in before
What are you trying to log in with?
Never logged in before
You must have an online banking agreement in order to log in.
The online bank gives you a full overview of your finances, and you can perform banking services quickly and easily. When you order an online bank agreement, you also get access to our mobile banking app.
There may be several reasons that you can’t log in. If you have:
Check if you are using the correct code device
You can easily check whether you are using the correct code device:
Start logging in by entering your national identity number.
Select either “BankID” or “Without BankID”.
Click on “Correct code device?”.
Enter your mobile number and click “Send text message”.
Compare the last numbers on the back with a text message we send to you.
BID 1439
Error BID 1439 usually occurs because you key in the wrong one-time passcode too many times. For example, this can happen if you:
- Have multiple banks and use the wrong code device when logging in.
- Have multiple banks and use the wrong BankID when logging in. You must choose which BankID you will use when logging in.
- Use a different/wrong code device than your own.
If you the code device gets blocked, you need to contact us. If you log in to the online bank, we can help you via chat. You can also get in touch with us on +47 915 04800.
How to check if you are using the correct code device:
BID 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 20a1, 20b0, 20b1
These error codes usually mean poor/unstable internet connections when using BankID.
We recommend that you:
- Try again. The error may have been temporary.
- Check whether you have a slow Internet connection. Remember that the actual bandwidth is not the same as that stated by your internet service provider.
- Try turning off or unplugging the modem/router. You should also reboot your computer or tablet.
If you still get these error codes, contact your internet provider.
BID 5000
Error code BID 5000 may occur when you try to log in with BankID. This often means that the web browser you use blocks third-party cookies («cookies»).
To solve the problem you can:
- Allow third-party cookies by changing settings in the browser
- Log in Without BankID
- Use our mobile banking app
- Try a different browser
Error messages that start with BID