Accounts for different purposes
Easy to open and order cards
- You can add and delete managers yourself in your online bank
- Select "Settings" and "Manager" in the main menu
- Add the person who will manage your account (use the person’s national identity number)
- If you don’t use online banking, you can fill out the form and send it to us by regular post. The form must be signed by the account holder and witnessed by two people of legal age. The witnesses cannot be a spouse/cohabitant, parent or child/grandchild of the manager.
Authorisation to be an account signatory for account holders over the age of 18 (PDF)
You will receive a bank statement every month via your online bank mailbox or by post. You can find a copy of the previous bank statements under “Everyday banking and loans” and “Archive”.
You’ll find receipts for payments in the online bank under “Everyday banking and loans” and “Issued payments”. If you want a receipt for payments made by card, you must use the bank statement. You can also find the individual payment under “Everyday banking and loans” and “My finances”.
You can easily close an account in your online bank under “Everyday banking and loans” and “Close account”. Before you can close an account, all agreements for fixed assignments, AvtaleGiro and cards must be closed.
Do you need confirmation of your customer account at DNB? A bank confirmation is a confirmation of, for example, your customer account, balance and payment history.
At various phases of life, the need for help may arise. By being an account signatory of an account, you can log in to your own online bank with your own BankID and pay bills from accounts you have available.
Disposition conditions
You can easily switch from your private online bank to corporate online bank by clicking “corporate online bank” in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select online bank user and press “OK”.
Account holders can register new or delete an account signatory of an account in the online bank under “Settings” and “Manager”. You must be over 18 years of age to register or delete account signatories.
Remember that it is not permitted to use others’ code devices or codes/passwords.
First, you need to add the account signatory in the online bank (full version) under the “Settings” tab and then the “Manager” tab. The account holder or account signatory can then order a new card in the online bank under "Everyday banking and loans", "Order cards" and "Order new/additional debit card".
The card agreement is then sent to both parties for electronic signing in the online bank. If both have BankID, the agreement is sent by regular post.
The account signatory will have access to pay from the account, and see transactions (account statements, etc.), including for the time before he became an account signatory.
There are a maximum of 5 account signatories per account when registering with the online bank.
You can register as professional guardian with BankID.
To register as a guardian, you must have a guardianship declaration from the County Governor. The guardian declaration must be uploaded via the electronic order form.