Group accident insurance
Give your employees financial settlement payments for injuries incurred after an accident.
Why choose group accident insurance?
The company shows responsibility for its employees and their families during and outside of working hours if they suffer an accident. Employees find it gives financial peace of mind to know that they’ll receive a settlement payment for injuries caused by an accident or mishap.
The insurance is flexible so the business itself can choose whether the insurance should only apply during working hours, only during leisure time or 24 hours a day. The sum insured can be chosen on the basis of the National Insurance basic amount (G) or a fixed amount. The sum insured is paid out as a lump sum and is paid to the person who suffers the injury or to their survivors.
Product information (IPID)
Product information (IPID)
What does the insurance cover?
The insurance can apply to both medical disability and death compensation.
Medical disability
Lifelong medical disability as a result of an accidental injury, including treatment costs. In the event of an injury, the compensation sum is calculated in relation to the established degree of disability. It can be stipulated that compensation shall not be paid below a certain degree of disability, for example 5% or 15%.
Death compensation
Death resulting from an accidental injury. A lump sum is paid to the insured party’s spouse or cohabitants.
Terms and conditions Personnel insurance
Basic amount (G)
As of 1 May 2024, NOK 1G 124,028.
Collective accident FAQ
Have you suffered from an accident, injury or illness?
The easiest way is to report the incident via our digital solution in the online bank.
- Submit your report here
Our personnel insurance
Workers' compensation insurance
Covers employee injury and illness
Travel insurance
Peace of mind if something should happen while travelling
Leisure accident insurance
Covers accidents or injuries that occur during leisure time
Group life insurance
Provides a one-off payment to the bereaved on the death of an employee
Group accident insurance
Peace of mind for your employees if they have an accident
Partnership protection insurance
The insurance is a financial hedge against the partnership protection agreement
Key person insurance
Disbursement if a key person dies or becomes incapacitated for work
Health insurance
Ensures that employees of the company receive quick treatment
Sickness assessment insurance
Employees receive disbursements for the first few years of the incapacity period
Income protection insurance
Covers the company’s ongoing operating costs if you should become ill
Sick pay insurance
Covers salary payments to employees on sick leave
Other sickness insurance
Insures your employees even when the illness isn’t work related
Pension and insurance package
The package that covers the statutory requirements
Provider of the insurance
The insurance is provided by DNB Livsforsikring AS.