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DNB Global Materialsektor Indeks

DNB Global Materialsektor Indeks is an index-tracking equity fund that mainly invests in companies within the materials sector.

  • Index-tracking equity fund

  • Invests in the exploration, extraction and processing of raw materials

  • On your mobile phone, you buy DNB Global Material Sector Index in The Spare app

You can buy DNB Global Materialsektor Indeks using a computer or in the Spare app.

DNB Global Materialsektor Indeks

dp recommends

DNB Global Materialsektor Indeks A scored six out of six at Dine Penger

DNB Global Materialsektor Indeks is an index-tracking equity fund that mainly invests in companies within the materials sector, i.e. companies whose main activities are the exploration, extraction and processing of raw materials, and which are registered in or listed on stock exchanges and regulated markets worldwide, defined by the mutual fund’s benchmark index.

Companies that do not satisfy DNB’s ethical minimum standard will be kept outside the fund’s investment area.

Minimum purchase amount is NOK 100. With a savings scheme in mutual funds, your savings happen automatically every month.

DNB Global Materialsektor Indeks A

  • Annual cost : 0.20 %
  • Ongoing charge: 0,10 %
  • Platform fee 0,10 %

Price example: For an amount of NOK 100,000 invested, the platform fee will amount to NOK 100 and the ongoing costs will amount to NOK 100 over the course of a year. A total of NOK 200 per year.

Pricing model for mutual funds

Read more about index funds on DNB Nyheter

DNB News · 5 min reading time
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DNB News · 5 min reading time
DNB Nyheter articles
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Sustainability in mutual funds and in our advice

Woman sitting on a rock

SFDR is the regulation in the EU action plan for sustainable finance. SFDR ensures that financial institutions publish their financial products’ investment strategy, investment objectives and actual investments.

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the skill of the Portfolio Manager, the mutual fund’s risk, and the management costs. Returns may be negative as a result of mark-to-market losses.

See more mutual funds here

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