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Foreign Exchange Trading

Markets Electronic Trading (DNB MET) gives your business direct access to the foreign exchange market.

Markets DNB.no
  • Norway’s largest group of experts in foreign exchange and interest rates

  • Buy and sell currency 24 hours a day

  • Get access to real-time prices and up-to-date research

Apply for access

What is DNB MET and why use us?

DNB Markets has Norway’s largest group of experts in foreign exchange. Our ordering system runs 24 hours a day and our trading desks in Norway, Sweden, London, New York and Singapore are continuously monitoring trades. We offer easy and flexible foreign currency trading in up to 170 currency combinations through the online platform DNB MET.

To gain access to the platform we require a minimum currency exposure, turnover and transaction requirement. The requirement is currently NOK five million in annual currency exposure.

DNB MET is suitable for companies and professional investors who want to monitor the currency market and secure themselves against major exchange rate fluctuations.

DNB MET - short summary:

  • Minimum NOK 5 million in annual currency exposure
  • FX spot, forward and swap trading in more than 170 currency combinations
  • Open 24/7 Monday to Friday
  • Provides an overview of currency contracts
  • Full access to research
  • Block trading and research tools to hedge the company’s currency exposure
  • Price information, market news, financial calendar and online broadcasts

eConfirmation of currency transactions

Businessman Investment Banking

eConfirmation gives you a complete overview of the currency contracts entered into.

DNB eConfirmation is a service connected to DNB MET which gives corporate customers access to confirm FX spot, forward and swap contracts, in addition to price contracts executed with DNB Markets as the counterparty. The advantages of using DNB eConfirmation include:

  • Confirmation of currency contracts via the online bank, regardless of whether the trade is executed online or by phone.
  • Simple to use, replaces written confirmation by regular post
  • Previously entered contracts and confirmations can easily be found in the contract summary
  • Export to spreadsheet
  • Access to history
  • Free of charge

For questions related to DNB MET and DNB e-Confirmation, you can also contact our brokers on +47 24 16 91 20, or by email: markets.efx@dnb.no

Currencies, interest rates and commodities – terms and conditions