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Prices and interest rates for accounts

All interest rates are per year unless otherwise stated.

Operations and tax withholding account

Operations and tax withholding account

Interest rates

Corporate account

0.00 %

Tax withholding account

0.00 %

Client account

Existing customers will receive new prices on April 18th

3,50 %

Security deposit account

Security deposit account

Set-up and operation, per account

Open in corporate internet account


Open manually

1 250

Interest rates

1,30 %

Currency account


Kunderenten er lik referanserenten minus en standardmargin på 2,50 %

The customer rate is negative for currencies with a negative reference rate

Corporate savings account

Corporate savings account

Interest on the entire balance

3,55 %

24 free withdrawals per calendar year, then 1 per cent fee of the withdrawal amount - maximum NOK 100 per withdrawal.

The account is offered to customers with deposits of up to 100 million

The offer does not apply to businesses in the financial sector, or to funds managed by financial institutions

Fixed-rate deposits

Interest terms fixed rate deposits

Locked-in for 3 months

Deposits from NOK 25 000 to 10 million

4.75 %

Deposits from NOK 10 million to 100 million

4.65 %

Locked-in for 6 months

Deposits from NOK 25 000 to 10 million


Deposits from NOK 10 million to 100 million

4.65 %

Locked-in for 1 year

Deposits from NOK 25 000 to 100 million

4.55 %

Locked-in for 2 years

Deposits from NOK 25 000 to 100 million


In the event of a breach of the savings scheme or partial withdrawal before the lock-in period expires, a withdrawal commission of 2 per cent is applied to the withdrawn amount.

Green fixed-rate deposits

Interest rate conditions Green fixed-rate deposits

Binding 1 month

Deposits from NOK 25 000 to 10 million

4.30 %

Deposits from 10 million to 100 million

4.25 %

Other prices

Other prices

Mergers, per company

3 000

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Head office

Dronning Eufemias gate 30

0191 Oslo, Norway

Postal address


PO Box 1600 - Sentrum

0021 Oslo

Org. no.


984 851 006

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