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Green car loan

Loan for a new or used electric car.

  • Especially good conditions for anyone buying a zero-emission car

  • Up to 10 years’ repayment period

  • Up to 100% financing

Calculate and apply

How much does a car loan cost?

How much the car costs, what you have in equity and how a repayment period you want all affect how much the car loan will cost you. You can easily use the car loan calculator to calculate what it will cost you.

Price example, Green Car loan

Nominal interest rate 6,74 %, eff. Interest rate 8,68 %, NOK 150 000 o/5 years. Annuity loans NOK 150 000 o/5 years. Instalment amount NOK 3 016 per month Cost: NOK 33 460 total: NOK 183 460.

Price list

Selling a car?

It can be profitable to do the work of selling your car yourself.

  • How to sell your car yourself

Buying a car?

Things to bear in mind.