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Pre-validation: Check accounts against KAR and Swift

With pre-validation, your business can easily check whether an account is valid for payments and confirm ownership of the account.

Man at a desk
  • Confirm the correct payment recipient

  • Check valid deposit account

  • Reduce invoice fraud, erroneous payments and rejections

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Today, pre-validation consists of two services

1. Pre-validation to KAR

The Account and Addressing Register (KAR ) is a common register for payment accounts with Norwegian banks. With KAR you can confirm whether an account is linked to a specific corporate number or social security number, and whether the account can be used for payments. This will help you to ensure that your account is valid and owned by the specified recipient. It is possible to verify both individual accounts and larger lists. You can get the service in both online banking and integrated into the accounting system.

The register contains information from banks in Norway about deposit accounts in Norwegian kroner. References to KAR can be used in connection with payment transactions.

2. Pre-validation with Swift

This service is slightly different from the KAR . Here you can check whether an account can receive payments, but there is no link to the national identity number or organisation number. Swift also offers a service that confirms the correct account holder, but this depends on the recipient bank sharing this information with Swift. You can have this service integrated into the accounting system.

If the bank where the account is, does not share its information with Swift, Swift will use historical data to check whether an account is valid and can receive payments, but they cannot confirm the correct account holder.

Pre-validation has multi-channel query

Online customer portal (KAR)

Individual and mass queries via the online bank/own log in

API (KAR and Swift)

Direct integration in the company’s systems using API

Batch/file (KAR)

XML-based file integration with the company’s systems

It’s important to note! In order to use the channels API (KAR and Swift) and Batch/file, IT development is required from the company’s side:

Questions and answers about pre-validation against KAR

Questions and answers about pre-validation with Swift

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