Responsible investments

DNB sets a high standard for responsible investments.

This means that we look at environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in all portfolio management.

Group instructions for responsible investments

Annual report for responsible investments

Important tools in this work are:

Standard setting

Active ownership through dialogue and voting


Integration of ESG opportunities and risks

Responsible and sustainable investments

The main purpose of responsible and sustainable investments is to achieve a good long-term return with an acceptable level of risk. At the same time, we must take into account significant risks and opportunities associated with the environment, social relationships and corporate governance.

All management is subject to DNB’s corporate standard for responsible investments.

The standard is based on international norms and standards. It ensures that DNB does not contribute to an infringement of human and employee rights, corruption, serious environmental damage or other actions that can be perceived as unethical. It will also ensure that assessments of ESG risks and opportunities are integrated into the management.

We exercise ownership in accordance with international norms and standards:

  • Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI)
  • UN Global Compact
  • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • G20/OECD’s principles for ownership management and corporate governance
  • OECD guidelines for multinational companies

In 2021, as part of the Net Zero 2050 ambition, DNB decided to set an objective to increase the total assets with a sustainability profile to NOK 100 billion by 2025.. In addition, the goal is for half of the net flow in 2025 to go to such funds.

A fund with a sustainability profile can be either a fund with a low level of greenhouse gas emissions, a fund that invests in companies that contribute with solutions or a fund that has the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for investments. In 2021, we launched two new funds with a sustainability profile: An index fund that uses a benchmark index that is in line with the Paris Agreement, and a global equity fund that uses the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework.

More about mutual funds with a sustainability profile

In our work on responsible and sustainable investments, we have defined long-term and short-term focus areas. These are important in active ownership administration, standard setting and ESG integration. Ambitions and target attainment within each of the areas are described in the annual report for responsible investments.

What is our approach to responsible investments?


Voting at the general meeting is an important part of our active ownership and must be assessed in the context of the ongoing dialogues we have with the companies.


Proactive and reactive influencing dialogue with companies is a central part of our work. The discussions are structured processes with clear objectives for desired outcomes.


An important part of the efforts to exert a positive influence is participation in global investor collaboration.

Sustainability reports

We want to be open about our work on responsible investments, and regularly publish updates.

Why are we concerned about being responsible?