DNB Økern
Where can you find us?
We are located on the 5th floor of Økern Portal,
Lørenfaret 1C, 0585 Oslo
At Økern, we have 60 employees consisting of financial advisers, corporate advisers and real estate agents.
We want to give you a positive and authentic banking experience when you visit us. Make an appointment with us in advance so we know more about your needs and what you’d like to get from the visit.
Pop-up at Stovner centre
Come in to see us for a no-obligation chat with one of our skilled financial advisers.
The pop-up office is open:
- Tuesday 21 November 10:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday 5 December 10:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday 19 December 10:00 - 17:00